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Friday, 13 April 2007

Friends Forever

It's funny how
Our memories never seem to grow old.
While our hands get more calloused
Face gets more chiselled
And hair grows in the weirdest places
You still stay as innocent as ever
In my heart.

Somehow I still remember your cute ponytails
Your young face and fair skin
And the way your eyes twinkle
Whenever you smiled.

And it's funny how
The multi-coloured inks
Spread in a bold chilidish font all over my autograph book
Never seem to lose their bright colour.
The "Friends 4ever"
Scribbled on the day we parted
Still shines brightly.

It's funny how
All the rest of my photographs yellow
Yet the ones with you in it
Stay as fresh as ever.

It's funny how
I can so vividly recall every childish joke
We laughed at together
All those years ago
And still laugh to myself

And you know what?
Here's the funniest part.
When I finally do see you again
After all these years
You're not quite that little girl anymore
Not quite so bubbly
Not quite so warm.

And somehow
When I look back from here
The colourful words in my autograph book
Seem to have faded slightly,
The photos seem to have

And the memories of that day
When we pinky-promised to stay
Friends Forever
Seemed so much more distant.

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